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          I want to thank you for visiting my e-portfolio and I hope that you enjoyed it.  As I come to the close of my undergraduate education, I often reflect back on the journey that led me to where I am today.  I could have chosen a practical major for my degree and completed the coursework in the four-year time span, but instead of working towards my next job, I decided to focus on what drove my spirit.  That direction took me along a very windy trail off the beaten path.  A trail that may have had a lot of sticks in the way, but had color and depth.  As a wise alumnus said, "Anthropology taught me how to get along with people."  This skill will undoubtedly aid in my future career and personal goals.  I not only know how to see things from different directions, but also I understand why there are different directions to see from.  I may not have followed the four-year tradition, but I definitely followed what was important to my life and future.

          With the knowledge I have gained from my formal education and the life experiences that led me to nursing, I have discovered a passion for life that will never be taken away.  I know that I want to do what makes me happy and teach others to do the same.  I know that I want to help people in a way that encourages them to be better human beings.  I want to continue learning even after leaving the classroom and experience life outside of my comfort zone.

     This class has been a very effective tool for me in preparing me for my future.  I worried for a while that I was too behind in discovering what I was meant to do that my education had been wasted.  As my professor, Dr. Susan Hyatt, has told me multiple times throughout the semester, "Education is never wasted!"  It may have taken some convincing, but I truly believe that my anthropology background will benefit me greatly in my future in nursing.  I have a lot of passion driving me through the ups and downs of making my way to the finish line.  I'm very excited to be able to share my story and hope that my unconventional path through my higher education experience will comfort those students that may end up like me and be terrified that they will never know what they want to do with their career.  I hope to be able to give the same guidance that Dr. Hyatt, Erin Aquino, and many other graduates and professors have given me throughout my education.  Thank you, again for taking the time to view my story.  Please contact me with the form to the right with any feedback or questions!

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