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Interview Project

     The interview project was a very large part of this semesters work.  We were required to interview an applied anthropologist, working in a field similar to what we want to do after graduation.  We were then required to write a paper placing the interview material into a larger anthropological context, as well as connect it to our future goals as anthropology graduates.  Below are the materials I collected in my interview with Erin Aquino, a Program Associate at Exodus Refugee in Indianapolis, IN.  The experience allowed me to discuss my goals and concerns with a young anthropology graduate and I accredit a good part of my enthusiasm to complete my goals to the encouragement I received from Aquino.

     I decided for my final paper to focus on how collaboration within and outside of the field of anthropology can be beneficial for new anthropology graduates.  I analyze how it broadens our skill sets and allows us to navigate appropriately through fields that are not traditionally associated with anthropology.  It was a very educational and exciting experience researching and writing this paper, so I hope you enjoy it!  To view the paper, click the image to the left.

Erin Aquino Interview 1 - E. Hannon
00:00 / 00:00
Erin Aquino Interview 2 - E. Hannon
00:00 / 00:00

This annotated bibliography includes three of my original articles used for research to prepare for my interview.  I initially was going to interview a coworker of Aquino's, but because of scheduling, she was unable to do the interview.  Some of my sources changed for the final paper, but this showcases where I began my research.

While you can feel free to simply listen to the interview above (broken into two parts due to technological issues), this transcription is a summarized version of what Aquino and I discussed.  It focuses on the important aspects of the interview and includes the quotes from Aquino that I used in my final paper.

This paper is what I wrote after meeting with Aquino.  It includes my opinions and thoughts regarding the interview, Aquino herself, and what direction I anticipate moving towards for my paper.  It also includes thoughts I had that related to my future goals and how I feel I will be able to incorporate my anthropological skills into the medical field.

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