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IUPUI's Anthropology Senior Capstone



     The anthropology department at IUPUI has taken the 2014-2015 academic year to change the format of their senior coursework.  Previously, the course was designed as a miniature research project, but was very difficult for many students to complete in the given timeframe and was designed more like a master's thesis.  They have began to re-design the coursework to be a more practical experience for their seniors.  I was one of those lucky seniors to experience the new design and have learned how to connect my undergraduate career to real-world experiences.  These journals, as well as the interview project and my ethnographic workshowcase the work assigned throughout the 2014 and 2015 semesters.  They are located in two separate tabs under the My Work menu button, or through the buttons below.

     The course is now designed to give its students more practical skills and knowledge as they graduate and enter into the professional work force.  We have learned how to sell our anthropological skills in areas that would not be formally viewed as anthropological.  It has allowed us to be able to tell all those who ask "What can you do with an anthropology degree?" exactly what we can do and what goals we have laid out for ourselves in order to become successful adults.

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